Unleashing the Power of Visual FoxPro 9: Mastering the Object ListBox
Image by Lavonne - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Visual FoxPro 9: Mastering the Object ListBox

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Are you tired of struggling to create dynamic and interactive lists in your Visual FoxPro 9 applications? Do you want to take your programming skills to the next level and create visually stunning and user-friendly interfaces? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Visual FoxPro 9’s Object ListBox, exploring its features, benefits, and most importantly, how to harness its power to create exceptional applications.

What is the Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9?

The Object ListBox is a powerful control in Visual FoxPro 9 that allows you to create complex and dynamic lists of objects. Unlike the traditional ListBox, which only displays text, the Object ListBox can display a wide range of data types, including images, icons, and even custom objects. This makes it an ideal control for creating advanced user interfaces that require more than just textual information.

Key Features of the Object ListBox

  • Support for multiple data types: The Object ListBox can display a wide range of data types, including strings, numbers, dates, and even custom objects.
  • Dynamic data binding: You can bind the Object ListBox to a data source, such as a database or a cursor, and dynamically update the list as the data changes.
  • Customizable appearance: You can customize the appearance of the Object ListBox by changing its font, color, and layout.
  • Event-driven programming: The Object ListBox supports a range of events, such as Click and DoubleClick, which allow you to respond to user interactions.

Creating an Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9

To create an Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Visual FoxPro 9 project and create a new form or modify an existing one.
  2. Drag and drop the Object ListBox control from the Toolbox onto your form.
  3. Resize the Object ListBox to the desired size and position it on your form.
  4. In the Properties window, set the MultiSelect property to True if you want to allow multiple selections.
  5. In the Properties window, set the DataSource property to the data source you want to bind to, such as a database or a cursor.

Populating the Object ListBox with Data

Once you’ve created the Object ListBox, you’ll need to populate it with data. You can do this using the AddItem method, which allows you to add items to the list programmatically.

LOCAL lo_Item
lo_Item.Caption = "Item 1"
lo_Item.Value = 1

lo_Item.Caption = "Item 2"
lo_Item.Value = 2

In this example, we’re creating a new instance of the EMPTY class, setting its Caption and Value properties, and then adding it to the Object ListBox using the AddItem method.

Customizing the Object ListBox

The Object ListBox is highly customizable, allowing you to change its appearance, behavior, and layout to suit your needs.

Changing the Font and Color

You can change the font and color of the Object ListBox by setting its Font and ForeColor properties.

THISFORM.ObjectListBox1.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
THISFORM.ObjectListBox1.Font.Size = 10
THISFORM.ObjectListBox1.ForeColor = RGB(0,0,255)

Changing the Layout

You can change the layout of the Object ListBox by setting its Layout property.

THISFORM.ObjectListBox1.Layout = 1 && 1 = vtVertical

In this example, we’re setting the Layout property to 1, which corresponds to a vertical layout.

Handling Events in the Object ListBox

The Object ListBox supports a range of events, including Click, DoubleClick, and RightClick. You can handle these events by creating event handlers in your code.

PROCEDURE ObjectListBox1_Click
LPARAMETERS nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord
THISFORM.txtSelectedValue.Text = THISFORM.ObjectListBox1.Value

In this example, we’re creating an event handler for the Click event, which updates a text box with the selected value.

Advantages of Using the Object ListBox

The Object ListBox offers several advantages over traditional list boxes, including:

  • Flexibility: The Object ListBox can display a wide range of data types, making it ideal for applications that require complex data visualization.
  • Customizability: The Object ListBox is highly customizable, allowing you to change its appearance, behavior, and layout to suit your needs.
  • Dynamic data binding: The Object ListBox supports dynamic data binding, making it easy to update the list as the data changes.
  • Improved user experience: The Object ListBox provides a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easier for users to interact with your application.


In conclusion, the Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9 is a powerful and versatile control that offers a range of benefits and advantages over traditional list boxes. By mastering the Object ListBox, you can create dynamic and interactive lists that provide a superior user experience and take your applications to the next level. Whether you’re creating a simple data entry form or a complex data visualization dashboard, the Object ListBox is an essential tool in your Visual FoxPro 9 toolkit.

Property Description
MultiSelect Specifies whether multiple items can be selected
DataSource Specifies the data source to bind to
Font Specifies the font to use
ForeColor Specifies the foreground color to use
Layout Specifies the layout of the Object ListBox

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with a thorough understanding of the Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9. With its flexibility, customizability, and dynamic data binding capabilities, the Object ListBox is an essential tool for any Visual FoxPro 9 developer.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of Visual FoxPro 9’s Object ListBox with these frequently asked questions!

What is an Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9?

An Object ListBox is a powerful control in Visual FoxPro 9 that allows you to display a list of items, each representing an object or a set of objects, with additional features like checkboxes, images, and more! It’s a fantastic way to present complex data in a visually appealing and interactive way.

How do I add items to an Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9?

Easy peasy! You can add items to an Object ListBox by using the AddItem method or by setting the RowSource property to a cursor or a table. You can also use the Insert method to add items programmatically. Remember to specify the relevant properties, like the display value and the associated object, to customize the appearance and behavior of each item!

Can I customize the appearance of an Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9?

Absolutely! You can customize the appearance of an Object ListBox by setting various properties, such as the Font, ForeColor, and BackColor. You can also use the FontWeight, FontStyle, and FontSize properties to fine-tune the text display. Additionally, you can use the Picture property to display images or icons next to each item!

How do I handle events in an Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9?

You can handle events in an Object ListBox by creating event handlers for events like Click, DblClick, and ItemClick. You can also use the InteractiveChange property to detect when the user changes the selection or edits an item. This allows you to write code that responds to user interactions and updates the application accordingly!

Can I use data binding with an Object ListBox in Visual FoxPro 9?

Yes, you can! Visual FoxPro 9 supports data binding with Object ListBoxes, which means you can bind the control to a cursor, a table, or even a custom data source. This allows you to easily populate the list with data and automatically update the display when the underlying data changes!

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